Initial Adult Psychiatric Assessment
(60 to 90 minutes)
Treatment planning always starts with completing a comprehensive assessment to develop as clear an understanding of your concerns as possible. The history you provide and the observations available during this encounter will form the basis of my clinical decision-making. The time to complete this evaluation depends on multiple factors, including the complexity of the problem, and the quality of our communication. Sometimes, collateral information from loved ones, family members, or prior providers is required, but will only be done with your informed consent. A review of prior medical records, including hospital records and neuropsychological tests, or other collateral information may be necessary. After the assessment is completed, we will consider evidence-based options for further studies (laboratory, radiological, etc) and for treatment. Treatment options may include any combination of psychotherapy, medications, and other recommendations to promote wellness. I will provide a clear outline of these recommendations at the conclusion of our session.
Initial Child & Adolescent Assessment
(80 to 140 minutes)
The initial assessment of a child or adolescent follows the same format as the adult assessment except that it will require some time alone with the child/adolescent, and some time with the parent(s) or guardian(s). For this reason, these assessments tend to be longer. The time alone with the child/adolescent will vary greatly depending upon their level of comfort, and their ability to provide their own narrative. With all patients, some time is necessary to develop a sense of rapport and trust. This is especially true of children and adolescents. We all come together at the end to discuss the treatment plan and recommendations.
Follow-up Appointments
(20 to 40 minutes)
During psychiatric follow-ups we will review your overall progress. In addition, we may review other pertinent information, laboratory and radiological results, collateral information, testing and forms completed, etc. The timing and duration of our psychiatric follow-ups will vary greatly, depending on complexity of the underlying problems, and other issues that may arise. While medication management may be the primary reason for my involvement, I also provide my patients the necessary support they need, psychoeducation, and focused problem-solving therapy. In all my encounters with my patients, I will make every effort to take the time needed to address your concerns.
Please be aware that while I incorporate psychotherapeutic services in most of my clinical encounters, I cannot serve as your primary therapist. For most patients, I strongly recommend being engaged in therapy at least once a week, or once every two weeks. If you have insurance, you should have a list of therapists from which you could choose. If, for whatever reason, you are inclined to look for a therapist outside of your network, I can provide a list of excellent therapists in the area.
Second Opinions & Consultations
(variable duration)
I have frequently received requests to provide opinions and second-opinions pertaining to diagnosis or treatment or a host of other clinical questions. Sometimes it can be very helpful to provide a different perspective on a confounding problem. These requests can be initiated by medical providers, by the primary psychiatrists, or by the patients, themselves. Regardless of the referral source, I would be very happy to work collaboratively with you and your primary providers to help clarify a clinical question, and to hopefully provide fresh insights into your concerns.
Forensic Evaluations
I am not currently accepting Forensic cases, but plan to do so in the future. Stay tuned.